
Showing posts from February, 2022

The Walk Downtown

The Walk Downtown  By Norm Richards I was a young man. I walked downtown with dad. We went downtown often. In my hometown, there was a gathering place. The post office. It was on the corner of Fisher Avenue and 2nd street. Our walk took us west on 3rd street. I remember every bump in the path to get downtown. First, we left the house my grandpa built before I was born. We turned right on Patrick to the corner past two houses to reach 3rd street. Broadway Confectionery on the corner was the store where I bought gum. Going down 3rd facing west there was a set of rail tracks crossing through our neighborhood running from the mainline nearby going northeast toward the lumber company. Once I stepped over the tracks there was a distinct smell of burning metal. On the right, it was a blacksmith shop. You could see bright flashes inside the shop. I thought it must be hot in that building. Sparks flew through an open door. I looked at dad. He said, " Don't ever go in there, my boy.&quo